Commonly people thought that social media is playing a great role in this world, It is because every one entertaining his life by watching television .Every evening in every house people like to watch television together .It makes family relations more strong then ever but some times television makes some problems in life .Specially news television .News channels are promoting fear in peoples mind .Even some heart patients may suffer heart attack by watch news television .Mostly people thinks that television is good for life because it gives relaxation of mind and body , yes they thought right but, did they ever thought abut the news television .These news televisions making this world dangerous then ever .Once they got a topic they make that famous in whole world even some news television blamed that they are indulging in criminal and terrorist activities .Here in Pakistan some news televisions had band because of those cause .Even their own news editors are blamed that they are terrorists .Some sou site cases happened because of these news television .Their wrong news and different debates on different issues makes people crazy .Government have to take notice about their falls news and debates .
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