believe when woman came in life the we realize how much this life is
beautiful. A one woman have different type of relationship in her life
.A woman is wife ,A woman is sister,A woman is mother and a woman is
lover .These all relations are belong to a woman but here i am just
talking only about one relationship and that is the relationship between
one man and one woman .
everyone knows that love is the part of life but when love comes in
life then life becomes more beautiful then ever .A sincere and loyal
woman can make life more beautiful then ever .This relationship is too
much unique it is because it is the blessing of God .It is very sacred
relationship .Even this relationship makes life beautiful till the death
who thinks that woman is the cause of sin they do not know the God,s
will and they are misleading their own life and i assure you that they
do not enjoy their life as God wants .This life is full of relations
that is why it is very charm and happy .Relationship between man and
woman is the main source of growth of life and it is the most lovely and
beautiful relationship but this relationship required loyalty ,trust
and believe .A woman can live her life with a poor person happily but
if her husband or partner is loyal and good .So friend save your
relations and say thanks for the blessings of God.......
(The link blow is about uploaded picture)
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